Beginner Quiz Copy Welcome to the Beginner Quiz Copy This tropical fish quiz for beginners will provide 7 randomly generated questions. Try the quiz as many times as you want. The questions will be different each time. Click the NEXT button to begin. Most tropical fish can survive a couple of days without feeding? True False None What's a good tank mate for a neon tetra? Glowlight Tetra Angelfish Tiger Barb Zebra Cichlid None What's a good tank mate for a molly? Zebra Cichlid Red Swordtail Tiger Barb Amazon Sword None What's the scientific name for a Siamese Fighting Fish? Mikrogeophagus ramirezi Trichogaster trichopterus Betta splendens Astonotus ocellatus None This is a picture of a Neon Rainbow Rainbow Guppy Black Neon Neon Tetra None White spots on your fish are a sign of: Ich Ammonia Spike Acidic Water Over Feeding None This is a picture of a Guppy Swordtail Platy Molly None Time's up Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.